

PE activity module for KS2 Children (Yrs 5&6)


Lesson 1


Follow this or see lesson plan for pupil led Warm Up

Station: 1


Station: 2

Inclined press up

Station: 3

Double Jumps – forward

Station: 4

Stand on one leg

Station: 5

X- Jack

Station: 6



Follow coach Kelly or children to create their own

Lesson Plan 1

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Year 5 Assessment 


Score Card



Follow this or see lesson plan for pupil led Warm Up

Station: 1


Station: 2

Inclined press up

Station: 3

Double Jumps – forward

Station: 4

Stand on one leg

Station: 5

X- Jack

Station: 6



Follow coach Kelly or children to create their own

Lesson Plan 1

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Score Card


Year 6 Assessment


Lesson 2


Follow this or see lesson plan for pupil led Warm Up

Station: 1

High Knee Claps

Station: 2

Lunge & Reach

Station: 3

Star jumps

Station: 4

Squat – finger tips touch floor

Station: 5

Highland Fling

Station: 6

Lunge forward & touch floor


Follow coach Kelly or children to create their own

Lesson Plan 2

Download lesson plan

Year 5 Assessment 


Score Card



Follow this or see lesson plan for pupil led Warm Up

Station: 1

High Knee Claps

Station: 2

Lunge & Reach

Station: 3

Star jumps

Station: 4

Squat – finger tips touch floor

Station: 5

Highland Fling

Station: 6

Lunge forward & touch floor


Follow coach Kelly or children to create their own

Lesson Plan 2

Download lesson plan

Score Card


Year 6 Assessment


Lesson 3


Follow this or see lesson plan for pupil led Warm Up

Station: 1

Shuttle Runs

Station: 2

Step ups

Station: 3

Rebound Push ups

Station: 4

Side Plank

Station: 5

Squat -lift – knee forward

Station: 6

Mountain Climbers


Follow coach Kelly or children to create their own

Lesson Plan 3

Download lesson plan

Year 5 Assessment 


Score Card



Follow this or see lesson plan for pupil led Warm Up

Station: 1

Shuttle Runs

Station: 2

Step ups

Station: 3

Rebound Push ups

Station: 4

Side Plank

Station: 5

Squat -lift – knee forward

Station: 6

Mountain Climbers


Follow coach Kelly or children to create their own

Lesson Plan 3

Download lesson plan

Score Card


Year 6 Assessment


Lesson 4


Follow this or see lesson plan for pupil led Warm Up

Station: 1

Total Body Extension (TBE)

Station: 2

Yoga Tree

Station: 3

Spotty dogs

Station: 4

Side lateral leg raise

Station: 5


Station: 6

Balance on one leg & slowly kick


Follow coach Kelly or children to create their own

Lesson Plan 4

Download lesson plan

Year 5 Assessment 


Score Card



Follow this or see lesson plan for pupil led Warm Up

Station: 1

Total Body Extension (TBE)

Station: 2

Yoga Tree

Station: 3

Spotty dogs

Station: 4

Side lateral leg raise

Station: 5


Station: 6

Balance on one leg & slowly kick


Follow coach Kelly or children to create their own

Lesson Plan 4

Download lesson plan

Score Card


Year 6 Assessment


Lesson 5


Follow this or see lesson plan for pupil led Warm Up

Station: 1

Star Jumps

Station: 2

Press up from the knees – single arm chest touch

Station: 3

Squat Jump

Station: 4

X- Touch- plank

Station: 5

Over head slambs

Station: 6

High knees


Follow coach Kelly or children to create their own

Lesson Plan 5

Download lesson plan

Year 5 Assessment 


Score Card



Follow this or see lesson plan for pupil led Warm Up

Station: 1

Star Jumps

Station: 2

Press up from the knees – single arm chest touch

Station: 3

Squat Jump

Station: 4

X- Touch- plank

Station: 5

Over head slambs

Station: 6

High knees


Follow coach Kelly or children to create their own

Lesson Plan 5

Download lesson plan

Score Card


Year 6 Assessment


Lesson 6


Follow this or see lesson plan for pupil led Warm Up

Station: 1

Highland Fling

Station: 2


Station: 3

Burpees into half turn

Station: 4

Step up and down – BENCH

Station: 5

Spotty Dogs

Station: 6

Diagonal Jumps


Follow coach Kelly or children to create their own

Lesson Plan 6

Download lesson plan

Year 5 Assessment 


Score Card



Follow this or see lesson plan for pupil led Warm Up

Station: 1

Highland Fling

Station: 2


Station: 3

Burpees into half turn

Station: 4

Step up and down – BENCH

Station: 5

Spotty Dogs

Station: 6

Diagonal Jumps


Follow coach Kelly or children to create their own

Lesson Plan 6

Download lesson plan

Score Card


Year 6 Assessment


Circuit 1 Exercises Time Rest Time Differentiation Equipment needed
Station Rest Make it easier Challenge
1 Footwork – Start Centre – lateral jump either side 40sec 20sec Slow the Jumps down Increase Speed 3 x throw down strips/spots per child
2 Inclined press up 40sec 20sec Start from your knees Feet on Bench Bench or box top
3 2 x Double Jumps – forward 40sec 20sec 1 x jump forward Increase jumps forward x 4 3 x throw down strips/spots per child
4 Stand on one leg 40sec 20sec Stand as long as you can then reset your position & start again Shut one eye No equipment
5 X- Jack 40sec 20sec Start standing up & just do STAR JUMPS Increase Speed No equipment
6 Squat 40sec 20sec Quarter squat Pulsing squat load on the quads or squat jump No equipment
Circuit 2 Exercises Time Rest Time Differentiation Equipment needed
Station Rest Make it easier Challenge
1 High Knee Claps 40sec 20sec No claps Speed the drill up No equipment
2 Lunge & Reach 40sec 20sec No Reach 1 REP forward & 1 REP backwards No equipment
3 Star Jump 40sec 20sec Just laterally SJ arms or legs Speed the drill up No equipment
4 Squat – finger tips touch floor 40sec 20sec Quarter Squat Squat Jump No equipment
5 Highland Fling 40sec 20sec Only criss cross legs Speed the drill up No equipment
6 Lunge forward & touch floor 40sec 20sec Lunge forward only Excel with the push off from the lunge & touch forward back to starting position No equipment
Circuit 3 Exercises Time Rest Time Differentiation Equipment needed
Station Rest Make it easier Challenge
1 Shuttle Runs – to & from cone  – sprint to cone and jog back 40sec 20sec Jog to and from Sprint to and from 2 x throw down strips/spot/cones per child
2 Step ups – onto bench 40sec 20sec Slowly – controlled Fast – explosive No equipment
3 Rebound Push ups – From their knees, push off with their hands and land on their hands 40sec 20sec Normal press ups from your knees Full press ups – don’t start from your knees No equipment
4 Side Plank – leg on the top place in front of the planted leg to help with balance 40sec 20sec Keep both your lower leg – on the floor and just push your hips off the floor Balance top leg on top of the planted leg No equipment
5 Squat -lift – knee forward – control and start again 40sec 20sec Only Squat Make the squat explosive and speed the drill up No equipment
6 Mountain Climbers 40sec 20sec Don’t need to bring step forward so high on the climb Control the hips – no movement and step outside next to your hand No equipment
Circuit 4 Exercises Time Rest Time Differentiation Equipment needed
Station Rest Make it easier Challenge
1 TBE 40sec 20sec Slow Explosive No equipment
2 Yoga – TREE pose 40sec 20sec Have your left foot low & flat against your right ankle Have your left foot flat and high against the inside of your thigh No equipment
3 Spotty dogs 40sec 20sec Step out laterally one side then back to centre – repeat other side Fast No equipment
4 Side lateral leg raise – standing 40sec 20sec Standing on right leg – lift leg leg in front Move the left leg lateral and back to the centre – repeat with the movement but balancing on the right leg No equipment
5 Burpees 40sec 20sec TBE – slow Chest to floor and extend arms out either side when you hit the floor No equipment
6 Balance on one leg & slowly kick back the left leg and lean forward with your upper body – slowly and controlled – reset to starting position 40sec 20sec Just put your left leg behind you and keep up right -balance and holding position Keep controlled No equipment
Circuit 5 Exercises Time Rest Time Differentiation Equipment needed
Station Rest Make it easier Challenge
1 Star Jump 40sec 20sec Step out laterally with no jump Fast No equipment
2 Press up from the knees – single arm chest touch – Right arm remove from floor and touch the left shoulder – repeat opposite side 40sec 20sec Press ups from knees – no single arm chest touch Full press ups – no shifting the weight when removing a hand from the floor No equipment
3 Squat Jump 40sec 20sec No jump – Only Squat Fast & explosive No equipment
4 X- Touch- plank, engage core – right knee to left elbow – alternate 40sec 20sec Stay in plank position from the knees Slow the movement down – more control No equipment
5 Over head slambs – imagine you have a ball above your head and slamb the ball forward into full squat position 40sec 20sec Over head reach and slamb without squat Fast & explosive No equipment
6 High knees 40sec 20sec Slowly March Fast & explosive No equipment
Circuit 6 Exercises Time Rest Time Differentiation Equipment needed
Station Rest Make it easier Challenge
1 Highland Fling 40sec 20sec Only criss cross feet Fast & Explosive No equipment
2 Foot work – start centre on marked point – Feet together – Little jumps – forward / backwards & side / side – repeat 40sec 20sec Forward & back wards OR side to side Fast & Explosive 4 x throw down strips/spot/cones per child
3 Burpees into half turn 40sec 20sec TBE & jump half turn Fast & Explosive No equipment
4 Step up and down – BENCH – 4 fast shuffle steps on floor 40sec 20sec Step up RIGHT side only – no fast steps Fast & balanced with control Bench
5 Spotty Dogs 40sec 20sec Only Spotty dog with arms OR legs Fast No equipment
6 Diagonal Jumps – feet together – markings square shaped and jumping diagonally – bottom RIGHT to top LEFT & back – repeat SAME SET 40sec 20sec Jump diagonal reset & start again Fast 4 x throw down strips/spot/cones per child
  • Learning Intention:
    How can you take your pulse when exercising?

    • I can exercise and attempt to find my pulse in my wrist or neck
    • I can exercise and feel my pulse in my neck or wrist- and attempt to count in for 30 seconds
    • I can exercise and count my pulse rate for 30 seconds
  • Learning Intention:
    How can you take your pulse when exercising?

    • I can participate in different exercises and try to count my pulse rate
    • I can participate in a variety of exercises and take my pulse rate, counting for 30 seconds
    • I can record my pulse rate accurately and understand what type of exercise makes it increase
  • Learning Intention:
    How can you compare your performances with previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve a personal best?

    • I can compare my performance and try to achieve my personal best
    • I can compare my previous performance and improve my speed and technique to achieve a personal best on some stations
    • I can compare my previous performance and improve my speed, strength and balance to achieve PBs (Personal Bests)
  • Learning Intention:
    How can you create a fitness exercise with your partner?

    • I can create an exercise
    • I can create a number of exercises and know about some types of fitness
    • I can create a number of exercises and know about different types of fitness and relate them to sports
  • Learning Intention:
    How can you improve your strength?

    • I can support my on body weight on at least two of the exercises
    • I can support my own body weight throughout most of the exercises
    • I can support my own body weight, showing good technique
  • Learning Intention:
    How can you improve your strength?

    • I can create some stations that can improve my strength
    • I can create a strength circuit that can help improve my strength
    • I can create a circuit that can improve my strength and relate it to the sports I take part in
  • Learning Intention:
    How can you challenge yourself?

    • I can challenge myself to hold the tree pose for at least 15 seconds
    • I can challenge myself to perform star jumps at speed for at least 30 seconds
    • I can challenge myself and try the harder challenges on my own exercise or each station
  • Learning Intention:
    How can you challenge yourself?

    • I can challenge myself to perform star jumps at speed for 30 seconds
    • I can try harder challenges at each station
    • I can create a circuit with my friends with challenges at each station
  • Learning Intention:
    How can you improve your peformance?

    • I can complete the circuit then repeat it trying to improve my performance on some of the stations
    • I can complete a circuit and repeat it and improve my technique and performance on each station
    • I can work with a partner giving a receiving feedback to improve both our techniques and performance
  • Learning Intention:
    How can you ensure you are working continuously?

    • I can exercise for most of the time at each station
    • I can exercise for the whole timed period at each station
    • I can exercise at maximum speed, strength and power for the entire timed period at each station
  • Learning Intention:
    How can you challenge yourself?

    • I can challenge myself to work for 40 seconds on most of the activities
    • I can challenge myself to continue the exercises on each station without stopping
    • I can try the harder challenges at every station and continue without stopping
  • Learning Intention:
    How can you create your own circuit?

    • I can create a circuit with a group
    • I can communicate and collaborate with a small group to create a circuit which includes some challenges
    • I can communicate and collaborate with a small group to create a circuit which includes challenges, good technique and a variety of components of fitness e.g strength, balance, speed
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