

PE activity module for KS2 Children (Yrs 3&4)


Lesson 1


Follow this or see lesson plan for pupil led Warm Up

Station: 1


Station: 2

Press ups (on knees)

Station: 3

Frog Jumps

Station: 4

Stand on one leg

Station: 5

Seal Claps

Station: 6



Follow coach Kelly or children to create their own

Lesson Plan 1

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Year 3 Assessment 


Score Card



Follow this or see lesson plan for pupil led Warm Up

Station: 1


Station: 2

Press ups (on knees)

Station: 3

Frog Jumps

Station: 4

Stand on one leg

Station: 5

Seal Claps

Station: 6



Follow coach Kelly or children to create their own

Lesson Plan 1

Download lesson plan

Year 4 Assessment


Score Card


Lesson 2


Follow this or see lesson plan for pupil led Warm Up

Station: 1

High Knees

Station: 2

Lunge Forward

Station: 3

Star jumps

Station: 4

Star Lunge

Station: 4

Mountain Climbers

Station: 6

Lunge Walk


Follow coach Kelly or children to create their own

Lesson Plan 2

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Score Card



Follow this or see lesson plan for pupil led Warm Up

Station: 1

High Knees

Station: 2

Lunge Forward

Station: 3

Star jumps

Station: 4

Star Lunge

Station: 4

Mountain Climbers

Station: 6

Lunge Walk


Follow coach Kelly or children to create their own

Lesson Plan 2

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Score Card


Lesson 3


Follow this or see lesson plan for pupil led Warm Up

Station: 1

Jogging or sprint

Station: 2

Hop on one leg

Station: 3

Double thrusters

Station: 4


Station: 5

Reverse Lunge

Station: 6

Jumping Jack Plank


Follow coach Kelly or children to create their own

Lesson Plan 3

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Score Card



Follow this or see lesson plan for pupil led Warm Up

Station: 1

Jogging or sprint

Station: 2

Hop on one leg

Station: 3

Double thrusters

Station: 4


Station: 5

Reverse Lunge

Station: 6

Jumping Jack Plank


Follow coach Kelly or children to create their own

Lesson Plan 3

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Score Card


Lesson 4


Follow this or see lesson plan for pupil led Warm Up

Station: 1

Total Body Extension (TBE)

Station: 2

Yoga Tree

Station: 3

Star Jumps

Station: 4

One Leg lunge

Station: 5

High Knee claps

Station: 6

Stand on one leg (move the other)


Follow coach Kelly or children to create their own

Lesson Plan 4

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Score Card



Follow this or see lesson plan for pupil led Warm Up

Station: 1

Total Body Extension (TBE)

Station: 2

Yoga Tree

Station: 3

Star Jumps

Station: 4

One Leg lunge

Station: 5

High Knee claps

Station: 6

Stand on one leg (move the other)


Follow coach Kelly or children to create their own

Lesson Plan 4

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Score Card


Lesson 5


Follow this or see lesson plan for pupil led Warm Up

Station: 1

Seal Claps

Station: 2

T-Press ups (on knees)

Station: 3


Station: 4

Toe touches

Station: 5

Hop left to right

Station: 6



Follow coach Kelly or children to create their own

Lesson Plan 5

Download lesson plan

Year 3 Assessment 


Score Card



Follow this or see lesson plan for pupil led Warm Up

Station: 1

Seal Claps

Station: 2

T-Press ups (on knees)

Station: 3


Station: 4

Toe touches

Station: 5

Hop left to right

Station: 6



Follow coach Kelly or children to create their own

Lesson Plan 5

Download lesson plan

Score Card


Year 4 Assessment


Lesson 6


Follow this or see lesson plan for pupil led Warm Up

Station: 1

Spotty Dogs

Station: 2


Station: 3

Total Body Extension (TBE)

Station: 4

Step up on bench

Station: 5

Star Jumps

Station: 6

Double and Pogo jumps


Follow coach Kelly or children to create their own

Lesson Plan 6

Download lesson plan

Year 3 Assessment 


Score Card



Follow this or see lesson plan for pupil led Warm Up

Station: 1

Spotty Dogs

Station: 2


Station: 3

Total Body Extension (TBE)

Station: 4

Step up on bench

Station: 5

Star Jumps

Station: 6

Double and Pogo jumps


Follow coach Kelly or children to create their own

Lesson Plan 6

Download lesson plan

Score Card


Year 4 Assessment


Download PDF Fitness Lesson Plans –

Circuit 1 Exercises Time Rest Time Differentiation Equipment needed
Station Rest Make it easier Challenge
1 Footwork – Start Centre – Forward & backwards – feet together 30sec 30sec Slow the Jumps down Increase Speed  2 x throw down strips/spot/cones per child
2 Press ups – from knees 30sec 30sec Bring your knees forward under your hips Full press ups No equipment
3 2 x Froggy Jumps – forward – Turn 2x jump back 30sec 30sec 1 x jump forward Increase jumps forward x 4 2 x throw down strips/spot/cones per child
4 Stand on one leg 30sec 30sec Stand as long as you can then reset your position & start again Shut one eye No equipment
5 Seal Claps 30sec 30sec Jog on the spot and clap your hands in front Increase Speed No equipment
6 Squat – finger tips touching the floor 30sec 30sec Quarter squat As low down as you can go and stand up fast – repeat No equipment
Circuit 2 Exercises Time Rest Time Differentiation Equipment needed
Station Rest Make it easier Challenge
1 High Knee 30sec 30sec March on the spot Speed the drill up No equipment
2 Lunge forward 30sec 30sec Take smaller step forward 1 REP forward & 1 REP backwards – same side No equipment
3 Star Jump 30sec 30sec Just laterally SJ arms OR legs Speed the drill up No equipment
4 Star lunge 30sec 30sec Take smaller lateral step Go down low and push off fast with balance & control No equipment
5 Mountain climbers 30sec 30sec Do not climb your legs too high either side Step out to the side next to you hand – without moving your hips No equipment
6 Lunge walk x 4 & turn Lunge walk back x4 30sec 30sec Lunge forward on the spot take long strides when you lunge forward – keep your shoulders back and keep balanced No equipment
Circuit 3 Exercises Time Rest Time Differentiation Equipment needed
Station Rest Make it easier Challenge
1 Jogging on the spot OR Jogging out to a cone and return 30sec 30sec Walk to and from the cone or walk fast on the spot Sprint to and from cone or Sprint on the spot 2 x throw down strips/spot/cones per child
2 Hop on one leg 30sec 30sec Hop once and reset from starting position Hop on one leg – 1x hop leg in front and 1x hop leg behind you – keep repeating without stopping No equipment
3 Double Thrusters 30sec 30sec Single leg thrusters Fast & explosive – try to bring both feet forward to your chest 4 No equipment
4 X- Touch 30sec 30sec Full Plank Postion from knees and alternate knee to elbow – reset – do other side – REPEAT from your knees whole time Slow & controlled – try to get your knee across to the opposite elbow No equipment
5 Reverse Lunge 30sec 30sec Forward lunge or large step forward and reset Go low and keep balance throughout drill – don’t let you knee touch the floor when performin reverse lunge No equipment
6 Jumping Jack plank 30sec 30sec Plank from knees & hold Fast No equipment
Circuit 4 Exercises Time Rest Time Differentiation Equipment needed
Station Rest Make it easier Challenge
1 TBE 30sec 30sec Slow Explosive No equipment
2 Yoga – TREE pose 30sec 30sec have your left foot low & flat against your right ankle Have your left foot flat and high against the inside of your thigh No equipment
3 Star Jumps 30sec 30sec Step out laterally one side then back to centre – repeat other side Fast No equipment
4 Stand on one leg and lean forward – allow your leg to bend and go behind you 30sec 30sec Standing on right leg – lift leg leg in front Lean forward and reach your hands in front – slowly come back up and reset – REPEAT No equipment
5 High Knees Clap 30sec 30sec March on the spot Fast – knees high No equipment
6 Stand on one leg – STAND ON RIGHT – move left leg in front of you and behind you – repeat 30sec 30sec stand on one leg Try adding – (lateral movement) – one forward – one backwards & one to the side – REPEAT No equipment
Circuit 5 Exercises Time Rest Time Differentiation Equipment needed
Station Rest Make it easier Challenge
1 Seal Claps 30sec 30sec Slow the Jumps down Fast No equipment
2 T-press up – from knees 30sec 30sec Press up from knees with knees under your hips Full press up position No equipment
3 Squat finger tips touch the floor 30sec 30sec Quarter squat Full squats and fast standing up No equipment
4 Toe touches – on your back reach up to touch your toes 30sec 30sec slowly and slight reach bring your shoulders off the floor as much as you can and slowly return No equipment
5 Hop right to left – side to side – RIGHT ONLY 30sec 30sec Hop x1 right – Reset – Hop x 1 left – Reset Fast & explosive No equipment
6 Burpees 30sec 30sec TBE Fast & explosive No equipment
Circuit 6 Exercises Time Rest Time Differentiation Equipment needed
Station Rest Make it easier Challenge
1 Spotty Dogs 30sec 30sec Only raise and alternate arms – jogging on the spot Fast & Explosive No equipment
2 Foot work – Feet together – cones or markers on floor – TRIANGLE  – start bottom RIGHT corner & jump to the top marker which is shaped as a triangle to bottom LEFT – REPEAT 30sec 30sec Forward & back wards OR side to side Fast & Explosive 4 x throw down strips/spot/cones per child
3 TBE 30sec 30sec SLOW Fast & Explosive No equipment
4 Step up and down – BENCH – Right only – Step up right & down right 30sec 30sec Step up RIGHT side only – no fast steps Fast & balanced with control No equipment
5 Star Jumps 30sec 30sec Step out to the sides laterally and reset – REPEAT other side Fast No equipment
6 Double jump x 2 and x4 pogo jumps – TURN and Repeat 30sec 30sec Slowly Fast & make the double jump explosive and long No equipment
  • Learning Intention:
    How can you beat your personal best (PB)?

    • I can beat my PB at one station
    • I can beat my PB at two stations or more
    • I can beat my PB at three or more stations
  • Learning Intention:
    How can you beat your personal best?

    • I can try to beat my PB
    • I can beat my PB at one station and be honest when recording my scores
    • I can beat my PB at two stations or more and motivate others to improve
  • Learning Intention:
    How can you improve your technique when performing at each station?

    • I can attempt to improve some of my techniques at each station
    • I can watch techniques on the video and then begin to improve my performance
    • I can begin to concentrate on isolated body parts to improve my technique e.g arms, legs
  • Learning Intention:
    How can you move into a space in a game?

    Year 2

    • I can sometimes move into a space and catch the ball
    • I can move into a space and catch the ball
    • I can move quickly into a space and receive the ball
  • Learning Intention:
    How can you develop your strength during circuit training?

    • I can attempt to support some of my body weight on the X-touch exercise
    • I can support my body weight on both X-touch and Jumping jack exercise
    • I can support my body weight and attempt faster jumping jack exercises
  • Learning Intention:
    How can you develop your strength?

    • I can support my own body weight on both the cross touch and jumping jack planks
    • I can support my own body weight and attempt faster jumping jack planks
    • I can support my own body weight and perform the challenges at all stations
  • Learning Intention:
    How can you keep your balance when performing your exercises?

    • I can keep my balance when standing on one leg
    • I can keep my balance when standing on one leg, moving forwards and backwards
    • I can keep my balance on both preferred and non preferred leg
  • Learning Intention:
    How can you keep your balance when performing your exercises?

    • I can keep my balance on both preferred and non preferred leg
    • I can attempt to keep my balance moving forwards, backwards and side to side
    • I can keep my balance when performing forwards, backwards and side to side
  • Learning Intention:
    How do you keep control when performing your exercises?

    • I can hop on one leg slowly, keeping some control
    • I can hop on one leg, keeping control
    • I can hop on either leg, keeping good control
  • Learning Intention:
    How do you keep control when performing your exercises?

    • I can hop on either leg, keeping good control
    • I can hop with speed on either leg, keeping control
    • I can keep good control when performing each of the exercises
  • Learning Intention:
    How can you challenge yourself at each station?

    • I can challenge myself to try harder and work faster on the step ups
    • I can perform star jumps at a fast pace
    • I can work as fast as possible at each station
  • Learning Intention:
    How can you challenge yourself at each station?

    • I can challenge myself and try some of the harder exercises
    • I can challenge myself and try the harder exercises at each station
    • I can challenge myself and attempt to get a PB at each station
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