Lesson 1

Warm up

Fitness Activities

Cool Down

Lesson Plan 1

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Year 1 Assessment


Warm up

Fitness Activities

Cool Down

Lesson Plan 1

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Year 2 Assessment


Lesson 2

Warm up

Fitness Activities

Cool Down

Lesson Plan 2


Warm up

Fitness Activities

Cool Down

Lesson Plan 2


Lesson 3

Warm up

Fitness Activities

Cool Down

Lesson Plan 3


Warm up

Fitness Activities

Cool Down

Lesson Plan 3


Lesson 4

Warm up

Fitness Activities

Cool Down

Lesson Plan 4


Warm up

Fitness Activities

Cool Down

Lesson Plan 4


Lesson 5

Warm up

Cool Down

Lesson Plan 5


Warm up

Cool Down

Lesson Plan 5


Lesson 6

Warm up

Fitness Activities

Cool Down

Lesson Plan 6


Warm up

Fitness Activities

Cool Down

Lesson Plan 6

  • Learning Intention:
    How can you balance on different parts of your body?

    • I can balance on one leg (on the plank)
    • I can hold the position on my tummy in an arch shape (when the shark is coming)
    • I can perform the bridge position using my hands and feet and hold it in a strong shape
  • Learning Intention:
    How can you balance on different parts of your body?

    • I can balance on different parts of my body
    • I can make up my own exercises that help my balance
    • I can teach another group a new exercise to help improve their balance
  • Learning Intention:
    How can you exercise for 40 seconds without stopping?

    • I can complete some of the exercises for 40 seconds
    • I can complete most of the exercises for 40 seconds
    • I can complete all of the exercises for 40 seconds confidently
  • Learning Intention:
    How can you exercise for 40 seconds without stopping?

    • I can complete most of the exercises for 40 seconds
    • I can complete all of the exercises for 40 seconds confidently
    • I can complete all of the exercises for 40 seconds and make up my own pirate exercise
  • Learning Intention:
    How can you keep your balance when moving?

    • I can perform the crab walk keeping balanced (on the beach)
    • I can hop on one leg, then to the other, trying to keep my balance (on the stones)
    • I can jump side to side, keeping my balance and my feet together
  • Learning Intention:
    How can you keep your balance when moving?

    • I can hop on one leg, then to the other, trying to keep my balance (on the stones)
    • I can reach forward keeping balanced on one leg (reaching to get the apple)
    • I can jump side to side with speed, keeping my balance (over the shells)
  • Learning Intention:
    How can you perform different exercises that make your heart beat faster?

    • I can jog on the spot
    • I can perform star jumps at a steady pace for the whole 40 seconds
    • I can skip quickly for 40 seconds
  • Learning Intention:
    How can you perform different exercises that make your heart beat faster?

    • I can jog on the spot slowly or quickly
    • I can perform star jumps for 40 seconds, some of them at speed
    • I can skip quickly, using double jumps continuously for the 40 seconds
  • Learning Intention:
    How can you co-ordinate different parts of your body to work at the same time?

    • I can bend down and reach up with some control (saving Bobby)
    • I can jump forwards and backwards with some control (on the rocks)
    • I can perform the cycle action on my back, with co-ordination (pushing the treasure in the hole)
  • Learning Intention:
    How can you co-ordinate different parts of your body to work at the same time?

    • I can jump forwards and backwards (on the rocks) with some control
    • I can squat down on the rocks, moving my feet forwards and backwards with control
    • I can criss-cross my arms and feet quickly (over the shells) with control and co-ordination
  • Learning Intention:
    How can you record your score and then try and challenge yourself to beat it?

    • I can count my score during some of the exercises
    • I can count my score and write it down during most of the exercises
    • I can count my score during all of the exercises and next time try and beat my score
  • Learning Intention:
    How can you record your score and then try and challenge yourself to beat it?

    • I can count my score and write it down during most of the exercises
    • I can count my score during all of the exercises and next time try and beat my score
    • I can record my scores on each activity and beat most of my scores to get a personal best
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